Friday, January 21, 2011

Where To Buy Acapellas

There are lots of places on the internet where you can buy acapellas,you just have to have a good look around.Try google-ing the artist you like,or the song (or both) then adding the word "acapella" to the search string.Hopefully you will find what you are looking for and you will be able to make a purchase.Sometimes you even get a choice of Mp3 or WAV on the quality side of things..
Another way to find acapellas is go to your favourite online music store and log in.Then you will be able to use the sites search box to find any acapellas you may wish to buy.Try typing in the search box the name of your favourite artist,again followed by the word "acapella".It is also worth trying various ways of spelling the word acapella.
Try: accapella,acappella,accapela and so on.Nobody seems to be able to spell it right lol!!

Persistance is the key,but unfortunately you may not be able to find many legal websites where you can actually buy legally available acapellas..

The only other option open to you is to do things the naughty way (the way everybody has to),and get yourself involved with sites that will have the content you require.

I recommend

Check it out: